Child Find

Child Find

South Carolina Public Charter School District
Youth Leadership Academy Charter School

Upon request, the South Carolina Public Charter School District is required to evaluate the child for eligibility for special education services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint and Evaluation Planning team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in schools within the school district.

A school staff member who reasonably believes a child may be a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child is in enrolled. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child’s parent that the referral will be made.

Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school or district in which the child is enrolled.

Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Dr. Shasta Looper, Medical Homebound Coordinator, YLA, at, or by writing her at 698 Concord Church Road Pickens, SC 29671.

Our Child Find Notice can be found at and at the main office.